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Every diamond is unique, and that means some are more valuable than others. So, how do we determine what a diamond is worth? The 4Cs are the four most important factors in comparing diamond quality and value. That grade is made up of four factors: carat weight, clarity, color, and cut. Each "C" has its own grading scale for evaluating quality.

Together, the 4Cs help diamond sellers set prices and compare diamonds, whether you’re shopping for diamond earrings, the perfect tennis bracelet, or your unique engagement ring. The more you understand about diamonds, the savvier you’ll be in choosing yours.

Here’s what you need to know about each of the 4Cs:

Budgeting with the 4Cs in Mind

As you compare diamonds to work within your budget, you’ll notice that scaling down in certain areas won’t have a noticeable impact on the look of the diamond, but it will change the price considerably.

For example, consider how you might get a beautiful, sparkling diamond by focusing on the cut while sliding down the scale a few levels on color and clarity. Or opt for a larger diamond but scale back a fraction of a carat. You could also buy a lower-weight diamond but a near-ideal or ideal cut, focusing on the diamond’s radiance and beauty and putting less emphasis on the size.

A diamond doesn’t have to be perfect — in fact, no diamond is. The key to finding a stone you love that fits your budget is understanding what goes into determining overall diamond quality and then adjusting your priorities from there.
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