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What is Diamond: Birthstone Guide

What is Diamond: Birthstone Guide

What is Garnet: Birthstone Guide

What Does the Diamond Birthstone Mean?

April is a month of growing strong in the fullness of spring. Spring is known for its blossoming beauty and is celebrated with the most iconic gemstone, the diamond. The April diamond birthstone is special in so many ways — it is an enduring symbol of love, a statement of status, and an ideal of beauty that has stood the test of time.

The birthstone diamond symbolizes:

  • Inspired strength
  • Health and abundance
  • Enduring love

Diamond Shades and Varieties

April’s birthstone shade is the classic colorless diamond. These diamonds are prismatic and reflect light is spectacular flashes of color called "fire" by jewelers. Diamonds can also be found in warm reds, oranges, yellows, and pinks, as well as cool blues, greens, purples, and blacks. Diamonds get their color based on chemical impurities in the gemstone.





Diamonds in History

Gemstones are the subject of many legends and myths and have been prized by famous peoples and cultures throughout time. Diamonds are found all over the world, in over 30 countries that include the United States. The iconic gemstone is mainly exported from African nations like Botswana and Angola, as well as Russia and Canada. Discover the unique history of the birthstone diamond.

In Hindu mythology, diamonds are associated with the “king of gods,” Indra

Diamond rings have origins in Ancient Rome, where betrothal rings first appeared

The Hope Diamond, infamous for being "cursed," enjoys iconic status at the Smithsonian

Diamonds got star power in the U.S. because of films like “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” starring Marilyn Monroe

Diamond Care

Diamonds are extremely durable and can stand up to ultrasonic cleaning. Taking care of your diamonds is important. We recommend you take your diamond to a professional twice a year for inspection and cleaning. Diamonds should be stored separately to avoid scratching your jewelry collection. Store them in a lined box or a soft pouch. Keep your diamond birthstone jewelry sparkling by cleaning it under warm running water with a mild soap.

How Does Your Birthstone Hold Up?

Jewelers use a tool called the Mohs Hardness Scale to rate a gemstone’s general resistance to scratching. Gemstones are ranked from 1 to 10 on the scale, diamonds are the hardest at 10 — just remember higher gemstones are more durable while lower gemstones need a little more protection and care.

Shop Diamond Jewelry

Explore jewelry for the April birthstone, diamond. The classic diamond is the star in gold, sterling silver, and rose gold necklaces, and shows off your everyday radiance in stunning earrings. Shop our incredible collection of diamond birthstone rings, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets to find the look that’s just your style.

Diamond Earrings

The April birthstone’s unmatched beauty is absolutely stunning. Discover diamond earrings that flash and sparkle in hoops, studs, and drop earring styles.


Diamond Necklaces

April’s sparkling diamond is the ultimate gemstone. Find the perfect diamond birthstone necklace to keep close to your heart.


Diamond Sets

Incorporate the April birthstone of lasting love into your jewelry collection. Be simply stunning with diamond sets featuring your favorite jewelry.


Speak to a Jewelry Expert

In-person, chat session, or phone call — we’re here to help you find your perfect gemstone.

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